Greenhive E-bike

SCAD Transportation System


User Research, Sketching, Digital Prototyping, Prototyping, Usability Testing


Michael, Jean, Leighton


Sketchbook, Rhino, Milling Machine, Welding, HVLP spray paint


2010 (6 month)


Product Design

Project Preview


This was a school bike and scooter share system which was designed to provide an alternative way for commute other than the current school buses system or allows students to move from buildings to buildings in limited parking spaces. The idea is to provide a convenient way for commute and help our environment green.

Problem & Solution


The college students needs to commute between each building in a open campus with historic city surrounded. The distance between foundation classes and major classes may take up to more than 3 miles with a 30 min break for transportation. Not all of the students are affordable to buy a car. Some students were not able to catch the classes on time due to limited buses schedule. Some students chose to ride a bike or scooter.


We provided an alternative mode to assist the current transportation bus system

User Research

Study & Research

We did marketing research on existing products from electric scooters to bicycles and studied the technical specs such as battery capacity, motor types and costs.

Shadow & Explore

We immersed ourselves in the community. We took existing bus system and shadowed people who ride scooter and bikes for classes to get deeper insight.

Interview & Target

We found experts and interview them for opinions about developing our concept to the market and made a decision of who we are going to target at for this innovative transportation system.

Usability Test

Ideation & Prototyping



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